upUgo : Sports and Fitness for Children

5 Ways To Keep A Healthy Check On Your Kids During Holidays

Holiday seasons are all about gatherings, meetups, leisure routines and good food. For parents, this can be the time when they can drop their guards and let their kids enjoy the whole essence of festive days. However, there’s always a fear of extended habits that would bother almost all parents who take utmost care in bringing a certain sense of discipline into their child’s routine.

Maintaining healthy food habits during such times is surely a matter of concern but not to an extent that couples need to be paranoid even during the best times of the year. A slight check on what your kid is eating throughout the day can do enough. Here are a few tips on how you can keep an eye on your youngster’s health without spoiling their holidays:

1) Regular eating schedule

In between busy schedules and loads of functions, it can be difficult to keep track of your child’s diet. Though maintaining a regular eating timetable during festive days can be a tough task, proper maintenance can keep those hunger pangs at bay. If your child eats three meals a day and then snacks occasionally, let that timetable be a constant. This way, your child can enjoy the festive treats and special munchies without overeating.

2) Monitoring portions

While maintaining the meal routine, keep a check on the portions too as holidays are synonymous with overindulgence. Eating on time and eating in control go hand in hand – these are marginally interlinked with sports and fitness for kids in India. Kids need to know about their body’s food requirements. Talk to your child about feeling “full” and teach them about the body’s cues so that they know they aren’t overeating.

3) Plan a balanced feast

Of course, holidays are all about hot chocolates and pancakes loaded with maple syrup, ice cream and loads of cheese and butter. But you can always tweak it a little for your younger ones with a healthy ingredient. Adding some salads and other healthy alternatives to the menu can infuse healthy eating habits in your child even during holidays.

4) Don’t ignore the play dates

It’s hard to keep today’s younger generation away from mobile screens. If you are enjoying the festivals with your family, encourage your kids to go out for fun activities with their siblings, cousins or friends. In this way, they won’t stay inactive and also maintain an active daily routine of physical activity.

Given the rise in lifestyle ailments and obesity among children in urban India, it’s no wonder that physical activity must be included consciously as a part of a child’s day-to-day schedule. From weight loss to advanced sports training, UpUgo’s fitness programs for kids are designed to create a balanced eco-system for sports and fitness for kids in India, with accessibility, availability and affordability in mind.

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