upUgo : Sports and Fitness for Children

6 Ways To Sneak In Physical Fitness Activities Into Your Child’s Day

As a parent, you can easily incorporate fitness exercises for kids throughout the day without having to go on a run or do push-ups. No sweat! Physical activity does not have to be completed in a school P.E. class, nor on the playground, nor even at the gym pumping iron. Parents can help kids stay on track by providing movement opportunities and serving as positive role models. Remember, physical activity adds to the day’s energy; doesn’t take away from it.? 

Here are eight easy ways to encourage kids to be more active throughout the day. 

1. Give that morning routine a boost

Encourage your kids to increase their energy level first thing in the morning and look forward to the day ahead. A refreshing shower followed by cranking up the tunes in their room for a quick stretch or dance session is sure to get their minds ready for their daily schedule. There are tons of morning exercises for kids that can offer an invigoration half hour before jumping into the rest of the day.

2. Move while you wait

The best exercise for kids involves any activity where they get to keep moving. Throughout the day, kids encounter several moments where they have to wait – waiting for the school bus, in between classes, lunch breaks and many other instances. These are the perfect opportunities to get moving. If they’re waiting in the morning, encourage them to stand up and sway from side to side, pace, or do some arm circles while they use their backpack as a weight. If they’re getting antsy during their online class, take a few minutes to stimulate and boost your child’s brainpower by playing a game of riddles or any other word games.

3. Shake up the journey

Riding a bike or walking can be a fun way to get around. Whether your kids are on their way to a park or talking a stroll through your residential complex, there’s always a way to make these rounds more fun. Next time you head out, make a list of quick games like hopscotch or counting trees to keep them enthusiastic, active and occupied while you walk together. 

4. Make time for daily stretching

Get your kids reenergized with a round of mid-day stretches and other exercises. They can be as simple as touching the toes or taking a few more minutes for a flow-style stretch.

5. Take the long way

Whether you are headed to the bathroom or dining table, sneaking in some fun exercise for kids is a piece of cake! Add in an element of fun by having them crouch down, duck walk, walk on their tip toes, or explore other creative movement ideas. If you’re at home, encourage your kids to take a few laps around the living room to boost those steps. 

6. Make clean-up time fun

Cleaning up your home can be a great way to get your kids moving AND have fun at the same time! Put on some music and get them to bust some moves while tidying up their room, desks, or drawers. Try this! For every item that they clean or organize, encourage them to do one fun move. 

Physical activity must be a huge part of our daily lives, especially during the crucial growing years for kids. Sign up your youngster for upUgo’s online fitness programs, designed to help kids with the holistic development of their physical and mental well-being.  

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