upUgo : Sports and Fitness for Children

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Physical Fitness for Children

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    There are three important factors that should be kept in mind, for choosing appropriate shoes for your child (aged 4 to 18 years). The first is foot comfort, the second is appropriateness and the third is foot protection. Depending on how fast the child is growing, the shoes need to be replaced for every one-half…

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    Habits, Healthy Practices and Fitness For Kids

    “Habit makes the mind insensitive” – Jiddu Krishnamurti In this article, we will discuss how we form habits, the dangers associated with habit formation, how to develop enduring and beneficial practices overall, particularly with physical fitness in mind. We generally consider ‘habits’ as mechanical and repetitive responses to certain needs – real or imagined. Hence,…

  • upUgo Kids workout
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    What is strength training and why is it important?

    Also known as weight or resistance training, strength training is a physical activity designed to improve muscularfitness by exercising specific muscle group against external resistance including free weights,weight machines or your own body weight. There are plenty of exercises for kids and sports for children that aid in strength training. The basic principle is to…

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    We all want A SMART Kid. Which kind though?

    When you type in Google Search “Indian Parents” the result you get will leave all parents, including me, in a state of shock and an instant spiral of reflection. Are we as Indian parent doing such a bad job of parenting by pushing our child to be SMART. Well let’s take a look at some…

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    Fitness for Young Beginner Athletes

    A fitness for kids scheme to prepare your child to reach the top! Start! Make a beginning. Maybe you think you’re not going to be a superstar athlete. But you can still set a big fitness goal for yourself, even if you’ve never tried a sport before: It could be a long bike ride, several…

  • Kids Fitness Benefits and Risks
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    Resistance Training for Children – Benefits Vs Risks

    Resistance or strength training for children is often riddled with misconceptions. It’s not uncommon to hear parents ask if resistance training stunts growth in children or makes them prone to injury risks. So lets dive into this topic a little deeper so that we can weigh the benefits and risks, if there are any. To…

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    What does it mean and how is it relevant in sport? Up until the start of this century, the term physical literacy was occasionally used but never given much thought in terms of its meaning to the complete experience of human life. Until 2001 it was defined as having the physical competence and also about…

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    GROWTH vs MATURATION for Children

    Growth and maturation is a common terminology we come across when it comes to sports training for children or athletics and children fitness. But do both these terms mean the same or are they different, and why is it such an important component to be understood in the process of training children for fitness and…

  • Coach training the child for sports fitness - Rise-Up Program - Advanced Sports Training for Kids (12+ years)
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    4 Facts about the Influence of Genes on Young Athletes

    Genetics shape us in many ways including our potential to excel in sports and athletics. Proper fitness training, nutritional diet, and other factors play a large role in developing our potential as well, but our genes may also limit our athletic performance. One may have the genetic potential for being a champion athlete, but a sedentary…

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