upUgo : Sports and Fitness for Children

5 ways to keep kids healthy and active

One out of 10 children suffer from serious health conditions in India, including issues like obesity and diabetes, physical tiredness, unhealthy food cravings, and the list goes on. It is important to develop a good healthy schedule for your child so they can grow up to become a healthy individual. Healthy habits will help them sustain through & through all situations that medical illness throws at them.

It is in the hands of the elders to make it possible to impart healthy habits that will keep them active with sports for children, apart from what you invest in their education, birthday parties, the family insurance or shopping for pretty clothes. Child health and nutrition stand as the number one priority amidst other minor things. We will guide you through fun-filled healthy habits that will enable you & your child to enjoy the process.

  1. Be involved: 

We see that you are involved in your child’s upbringing. After all, every parent deserves appreciation for all the We see that you are involved in your child’s upbringing. After all, every parent deserves appreciation for all the sacrifices and commitment they do. However, in the case of children, it’s important to show them that they matter. 

So, speak in the language of your kid and build deeper bonds with them. Try painting together, cycling, or investing in a kids workout program making sure every time you are at home you cook healthy food and dine together. Because once their mind is secured, physical fitness will naturally fall in place.

  1. Get active together: 

As kids get older, their tastes and interests change. Not all children will continue to love organized sports, so it can be hard for kids to get the recommended hour of physical activity each day.

Instead of focusing onInstead of focusing only on physical fitness for kids, get the whole family involved! Take a walk together or make a fun activity circuit in your house with jumps, sit-ups, and skipping.

  1. Make healthy eating fun: 

Involving your kids in making healthy choices can encourage them to incorporate healthy eating into their lives! One fun way to do this is to create a grocery store scavenger hunt. You must be thinking with all your busy schedule, now segregating groceries colour by colour can be tedious.

Hey! It matters to your child, so let’s do it!

You can categorize fruits, vegetables, proteins, and other food groups by colour or with pictures of the items that the kids can go find. This is an interactive way for you and your children to talk about the benefits of eating healthy and discover new foods to try together.


  1. Talk with your child’s doctor: 

Your child’s doctor can help your child understand why physical activity is important. The doctor can also help you and your child identify sports or activities that may be best for your child.

  1. Set family goals: 

Work together to build a good fitness lifestyle. Cut down on screen time and build outdoor family-centric physical activities with fun exercise for kids. Moreover, it is quite challenging to become healthier on your own. It is easily possible with a fitness partner by your side. Now you can be one to your child, and strengthen your fitness journey side by side.

As a family, it can be more effective to set healthy weekly, monthly, or semester goals for the entire family instead of setting them for one family member. Setting these goals together can help everyone implement a healthier lifestyle as well as communicate and collaborate better! Include goals to improve the physical, mental, and spiritual health of your family. 

– Magaret Preethi Yesudass 


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