upUgo : Sports and Fitness for Children

Category / General / Physical Fitness

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    We all want A SMART Kid. Which kind though?

    When you type in Google Search “Indian Parents” the result you get will leave all parents, including me, in a state of shock and an instant spiral of reflection. Are we as Indian parent doing such a bad job of parenting by pushing our child to be SMART. Well let’s take a look at some…

  • Kids Fitness Benefits and Risks
    upUgo white U Logo

    Resistance Training for Children – Benefits Vs Risks

    Resistance or strength training for children is often riddled with misconceptions. It’s not uncommon to hear parents ask if resistance training stunts growth in children or makes them prone to injury risks. So lets dive into this topic a little deeper so that we can weigh the benefits and risks, if there are any. To…

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